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Listaria monocytogenes and Listeria spp. Searching

Currently, there are twenty identified strains of listeria bacteria. These bacteria are found in soil, water, vegetation and ubiquitous and generally cause food contamination. Contamination usually occurs by consuming food contaminated with the bacteria called Listeria monocytogenes. This specific pathogen is extremely resistant and can thrive in a wide variety of environments. They have incubation periods ranging from 3 to 70 days at temperatures between refrigerator (4 degrees) and body temperature (37 degrees) and in wet damp areas such as drains. Because of this long incubation time, it is difficult to identify where the contaminated food originated. Listeria is statistically one of the deadliest bacteria with mortality rates close to 25 percent when compared to salmonella, which has a mortality rate of less than 1 percent.

When searching for Listeria spp, it is always important to determine which test method is more appropriate and will give accurate results. In the food sector, listeria detection methods are cultural or test methods such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or ELISA are used. The test method that will be needed may vary according to the characteristics of the enterprise and the general purpose of the test. For businesses that want to ensure they have proper cleaning procedures, the best option is to test for listeria spp.

"Searching for Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria spp." is carried out in our laboratories in accordance with the legal regulations and standards related to TÜRKAK accreditation.


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