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Natamycin Analysis

Natamycin Analysis

Natamycin is a preservative used to prevent mold growth in foods. One of the most important problems in food is mold growth. Consumption of food with mold formation adversely affects human health. Mold formation both reduces the shelf life of the food and causes material damage by reducing its nutritional value.

The most important aspect of preventing mold formation in foods is to protect human health. Mycotoxins formed by molds in foods are carcinogenic substances. Natamycin is used against molds and yeasts and remains active at wider pH parameters than most preservatives. Natamycin is not effective against bacteria. It is one of the most used preservatives against molds and yeasts in the food industry.

"Determination of Natamycin" in foods is carried out especially for the determination of additives in foods. "Natamycin Determination" is an important test parameter in products claiming to contain no preservatives or in determining the amount of natamycin.


11 Mart 2022